The renter shall not be released from their contractual liability until the vehicle, attached documents and keys have been handed back to the owner, provided that:

  • no fines for any offense during the rental are to be paid by the owner ;
  • no tolls charge dating from the hire have been received by the owner
  • no internal and/or external damage is noted and reported on the inventory return form.

Otherwise, the renter remains liable to the owner and must respect the clauses of the contract, until a solution is brought forward for the incident or the problem(s) declared. 
If a fine is received for an infringement during the rental period, the renter is obliged to pay it as soon as the fine is presented. 

If the renter damages the interior and/or exterior of the vehicle, their responsibility remains engaged and requires them to pay the amount for the repairs or the amount of the excess applied. 
The vehicle and any accessories made available to the renter must be returned in the condition found when the vehicle is handed over to begin the hire. The loss or the deterioration, even partial, of the vehicle or the accessories obliges the renter to pay the total amount for the repairs, under presentation of a quotation or an invoice (according to the type of repair). Responsibility is engaged via the rental contract for the hire and/or any other relevant element (report, eyewitness, third party).
The return of the hired vehicle must take place in a very well lit place in order to complete the return inventory form in good conditions. This return inventory form must be completed and signed by the same person who handed over the vehicle to the renter and who completed the departure inventory form. All parts and surfaces of the vehicle shall be examined, including the upper parts of the vehicle.

The owner may assign the management of the inventory of fixtures to a third party, provided that it is the same person at the departure and return of the rental. It will be the responsibility of the Owner to pass on the contact details of the person in charge of the inventory of fixtures to the tenants prior to the handover.

Lateness of the owner

The owner undertakes to respect the time agreed upon by both parties for the departure of the vehicle, or if failing this, as specified on the contract and the booking. By default, the vehicle pick-up time is set at 9 am for a morning pick up, on the day of departure and at 2pm for a hire in the afternoon. As for the drop off time, it is fixed, by default, at 12pm for a rental ending in the morning and at 8pm for a rental ending in the evening. These times are given as an indication and apply, unless different times are otherwise agreed between the two parties. These can be flexible by up to 2 hours (give or take).

Lateness of the renter

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the owner, any delay in the return of the vehicle, by the renter, of over two (2) hours is billed according to the following rules: between 2 to 6 hours of lateness, the owner is entitled to ask the renter for a payment of 10 pounds per hour of delay. Beyond 6 hours, the owner is entitled to ask the renter for the price of an additional day of rental, corresponding to the daily proportional amount calculated on the total remuneration of the owner, plus one hundred percent (100%), two rental days in total.